Request REmit


Unlimited Remit have bring the feature of REQUEST REMIT  which helps beneficiary to receive remit in just one click.Requesting remit to your family and friends residing abroad was never this easy before.

Request remit in just few steps:

Step 1: open our website or app and click on request remit button
step 2: enter your mobile number
step 3: fill in the required requesting amount
step 4: fill in the details of your sender residing abroad
step 5: fill in your bank details
step 6: click on request remit button
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Request remit

Request Remit

If you want to REQUEST MONEY from a friend or family living abroad, then you do not need to register. You can simply click on REQUEST MONEY, enter your desired amount of money to request, enter your bank details, then enter your personal details. SMS will go to the person that you are requesting money from, and once he clicks on the link that is there in the SMS, he or she will be able to either accept to send the money or reject it and in one click be able to send the money to you.

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